When you become introvert for a long period of time and you are still single. You start to develop the mindset of a free spirit and your happiness no longer depend much on external factor ( such as people and material things ).

You mostly derived your happiness on any activities/hobbies that you are passionate about wherein you are pouring your time, effort, heart and soul to that activity.

You start to appreciate everything in life specially the struggle, pain, anxiety , depressions and those things most people try to avoid because we’ve been bombarded by the media that we should strive only for happiness.

The thing is,  you will better appreciate the happiness when you’ve been through a lot of pain and struggles in life. It’s part of the process . Better keep it in your heart. Feel the feels .

The free spirit person are often cited as living outside the norms of society and having unconventional lifestyles (more here https://www.aconsciousrethink.com/6287/traits-truly-free-spirit/). Basically you are free from the crowds way of thinking and you have your own thing.

I think it’s specially important in young adult and adult where you no longer in schools and you need to carve your own path in life