Last time, I’ve written about the How book changing my career path. It feels like there is a continuation of thoughts about it. Then I just came across today a blog post of James Altucher about Ultimate Cheatsheet Reinventing Yourself. …
Read more →Last time, I’ve written about the How book changing my career path. It feels like there is a continuation of thoughts about it. Then I just came across today a blog post of James Altucher about Ultimate Cheatsheet Reinventing Yourself. …
Read more →It makes me think how I mostly learn skills before. What I do before, I was watching a lot of videos tutorials and reading books about coding before when I’m still in college. It makes me realized that what I’m …
Read more →It really fascinates me how my reading preferences evolve since I start to fall in love with reading. Technical Coding and Programming Books I remember when I’m college since I’ve taken a Computer Science degree so most of the things …
Read more →Back in my high school and college days, I mostly listen to acoustic music and love songs. It’s because it gives me sort of inspiration and some good feeling. Once I’ve entered into my professional career and freelancing in computer …
Read more →Today, I watched an interesting YouTube video of Mike Boyd about his notebook with lots of crappy ideas( Mike Boyd has a YouTube channel that focuses on showing how to learn anything in a short amount of time. I love …
Read more →It feels like every day is a battle between you and many distractions such as social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, YouTube, mobile and text notifications. Those things are calling for your attention. All of this seems hungry for …
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